Monday, November 28, 2011


Hello. I'm Colin. I'm a sockmonster. Please don't look away in disgust. I don't mean to be rude. I'm just a bit... different... from other sockmonsters.

I came into this world on a dark, cold evening in November. My creator was happily chatting and singing along to the radio as she sewed my body together. If I'm honest, she wasn't paying enough attention to me. I knew I'd gone wrong long before she noticed, but because she hadn't yet sewed my mouth, I couldn't tell her. It was only when she'd finished her sewing and started stuffing my body that she realised that there was something wrong with me. Very wrong.

When she realised, she stared at me in dismay for a very, very long time. It made me sad. Even worse, she then posted a picture of me onto the internet for all to laugh at. And laugh they did.

Luckily, a group of nice people saw some potential in me, and said I shouldn't be put into the rubbish bin. They thought I might have a purpose in life, that I could do some good. Even better, they wanted to be my friend.

And so my life travelling with new friends began....


  1. Fab! Welcome to the world Colin :)

  2. Hi Colin! Can't wait to see your adventures...

  3. Colin, your one of lifes little wonders. Stand tall and go have adventures. The world is your oyster.

  4. We're all rooting for you Colin. Probably not as much as you though.

  5. Welcome to the World Colin. It's a cold, dark place at times; but I know you'll go far!

  6. Welcome to the world of blogging. I'm sure that you'll be a star.

  7. Colin, I can only salute you in your ambition to become a charity mascot. And I see that you're saluting back.

  8. I hope your travels take you far and wide, enjoy your adventures!

  9. Colin, may I ask - are you related to the Egyptian god Min? I am sure I can detect a family resemblance ;)

  10. would you like to visit with me in Northern Ireland? you naughty little thing you!

  11. Welcome to the world. It's very sunny and awrm here in Bangkok. If you fancy coming along for a frozen margarita and some spicy food, you are most welcome.
