Monday, November 12, 2012

Postcards from Cornwall

So, I had a lovely time in Cornwall. I helped my hosts working on their house - mixing lime mortar and pointing their stone walls. I don't have a good head for heights. They might have told me they had no heating though. I would have thought about staying longer in Bangkok!

One of my hosts has just started learning the ukulele so she gave me a lesson in the first three chords she's learned. I think the uke is a good sized instrument for a sock monster, although it's a bit hard to hold down strings on the fret board without opposable thumbs.

I also dressed up for Hallowe'en as a ghost but no one came trick or treating, so I took some of the sweets with me to give to my next host, although I might just have eaten them whilst I was in the post...

1 comment:

  1. Rather sweet postcards. you know have some other ideas for a place to make other ones:
    northern lights
