A belated Merry Christmas to one and all. I hope you all had a lovely time.
I started the day by doing another shift in the hotel. Polishing glasses is hard when you can't get properly close to them!
Then I had to help check the intermediate courses in the kitchen. Thankfully all went well and everyone enjoyed their Christmas Dinner.
Cosmopolitan training. Mmm. The tasting was the best bit!
Then finally got to serve my first customer.
At long last a break! My current boss is a bit of a slave driver.
After a very long day it was time to come home and enjoy Christmas with the family.
Stockings and presents first.

My first ever cracker joke. It wasn't funny.

Then dinner. The trifle was particularly good!

I managed to squeeze in a cupcake.

Then had a lovely evening round the table drinking whisky. Think I may have overdone it! There's always someone to take a photo when you least want them to.

Today was a quiet day recovering from a very sore head! See you soon!
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